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77.000 | Colectivo DeXeito


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On November 13, 2002, a Liberian oil tanker from the Bahamas sent a distress call off the coast of Galicia. On November 19, after an attempt was made to move it away from the coast, it broke in two and sank, causing an oil spill that led to one of the biggest ecological disasters in the history of Spain.
This disaster led to a popular mobilization called Never Again, a wave of solidarity to clean up the affected coast and that called for environmental, judicial and political responsibility.
With 77,000 people we seek to tell the story through dance, creating
our own representation of the event, the consequences and the
movement. At the same time, we invite the public to reflect on
the fragility of our environment and the importance of collective action in emergency situations.
We portray the reality of the Galician people and commemorate all
those people who helped the Galician coast in the face of the oil spill.

Award for best piece in Contemporary Dialogues at the DZM Festival Cáceres 2024

Direction and choreography: Pablo Vázquez and Saray Amorín
Performers: Pablo Vázquez and Saray Amorín
Music: Y.O.M., BounceBiomehanika, Gustavo Santaolalla
Residency: Real Conservatorio Profesional de Danza Mariemma
Choreography assistant: Laura Conchuela
Video: Ángel Garcés
Photo: Laura Conchuela, Elías Aguirre, Nicolás Yazigi

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